
And these things shall come to pass ….
His love drove sleep from the eyes of His loved ones.

I can hear from the whisper in the wind there is a new birth.
I can hear from the whisper in the wind there is a new dawn.
I can hear from the whisper in the wind the sound of Thy glorification and praise.

It is Spring! The temperature is raised.
There is activity and fervour.
And so it shall be! Renewal! - as the dark earth
brings forth all her splendour.

.........and so as this Cause unfolds, like the spring
bursting forth, the delicate buds bathe in His Glory
and the Spirit is infused with a new strength.

........and as the sun rises giving warmth new generations are born to carry forward the cycle of life.

There is new strength,
new activity, new focus,
and the old repose
in the shelter of the Tree of Life
with new certainty.

Sylvia Miley March 2006


The Divine Springtime

The divine springtime has come
arrayed in all her splendour
and we raise our eyes
in thankfulness
to praise our

Happy Naw Ruz

“Where there is love
nothing is too much
trouble and there is
always time.”

Abdu’l -Báhá

Thinking of you

The voice that sings
the praise of God
is one voice.
The heart that loves
to praise our Lord
is one heart.
The eye that sees
the love of God in
all creation sees
that one heart
one soul
one mind one voice
have one cry to
unite the hearts
of all the people
the vision
there is only
one religion
of God.
To worship Him.

Sylvia Miley
