
Aram Adlparvar, A little sweetness has moved on.

Beloved Friends,
It is with a heavy heart that I beg your forgiveness for bringing you thissad and tragic news. One never wants to share news of this type, but I feelcompelled to do so as you would not forgive me if I did not.
Our son, Aram Robert Adlparvar, in the early evening of July 10th, (a dayafter the Bab's martyrdom) was involved in a car accident, and was mortallyinjured. Thankfully no one else was involved.
His name was a gift to our family in 1975 by the Hand of the Cause of God,Abu'l-Qasim Faizi who was a very dear family friend. Aram truly personifiedthe meaning of his name (Serene) as he always had a special demeanor ofcalmness and joy about him. I think all that knew him would attest to the way hewould enter a room and brighten the hearts of all therein. As a father I canhonestly say that he made fatherhood easy. He was the sparkle in my eye, thesmile in my heart, and the joy of my soul. His beaming face, and hisbrilliant sense of humor turned many hearts to a joyous state. This was hispersonality from the moment of his birth in Harare, Zimbabwe, on October 21st 1985(a day after the Bab's Birthday).
His cautious adventure was evident, and he always challenged himself forexcellence in his endeavours. He won a championship with his Crew Rowing team,and also competed in triathlons, marathons and in bike races. He wasenchanted by the written word and sought its finest examples in poetry and pros. In 2004 Aram traveled the world starting with his year of service in anelementary school in Swaziland (Africa), where he fell in love with teaching andmade it the focus of his education. He also became reacquainted with the landof his birth, fell in love with its people and immediately began to pick upthe Zulu and siSwati languages. Within two weeks of his arrival in Swaziland,he was invited to a ceremony where he was adopted by a village and given aSwazi name, 'Tulane'. This name had been picked by the village, as it bestdescribed him. When he asked what it meant, he was told 'the calm or sereneone'. They had no knowledge of the meaning of his original name! After anine month stay, he continued through Asia to Australia where he served at theHouse of Worship, then to New Zealand where he visited a dear friend Harold,on to the Island of Tonga with the Ocean of Light school and the Bolourifamily, and finally to Western Samoa where he served at the House of Worship.His life was driven by his acts of service, as a Youth Animator, and as anAssistant to the Auxiliary Board. In Ridvan of this year, together we had thebounty of a Pilgrimage. Most recently he moved to Rhode Island, USA, tocontinue his education and be close to Magen Cook, a beloved friend.
God, the Great Gardener picked this young rose. I am truly honored that Godwould take Aram for His needs. The gift He gave us was returned to Him. Wepray, "that he may plunge into the sea of light in the world of mysteries."
Cindy and I will be traveling to Rhode Island to take care of the funeralarrangements. Our daughter Nura is already close, as she is serving in GreenAcre. Our first born, Kamran, will (God willing) also join us by flying backfrom the Holy Land where he is serving.
We ask for your Prayers for the progress of this youthful soul, and thepatience and strength for all those beloved ones left behind.
The funeral will be held on Saturday, July 14th in Rhode Island. All arewelcome.
There will also be a memorial gathering held in Southern California nextweek. All are welcome
I thank you from the depths of my heart for your prayers,Payam Adlparvar

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