
Dear friends,

Today, 4th November we are remembering the passing of our youngest son

dear Alexander

He died of leukemia when he was 11 years and 11months old.

Please remember him in your daily prayers.

We have dedicated to Alexander all our services

{conferences, workshops, books (Christianity Renewed Vol. 1,2 and 3)}

to explain to the wider public of Christian background

the link between Christ and Baha’u’llah.

Please find attached a tribute/poems which my wife Helen has written

for the Australian Baha’i bulletin.


&#14 7;Thou shalt find me in the heaven of the Lord, immersed in an ocean of light

& #160; `Abdu’l-Baha

Our beautiful little boy plunged into the “Ocean of Light” on the 4th November, 1996. He was 11 years and 11 months old. His name is Alexander Thomas Olinga Vloeberghs. .

Alexander had been fighting Leukemia for three and a half years, and had two years of intensive chemotherapy as well as a bone marrow transplant, and all during that time he never complained. As soon as he left the isolation ward after six months, he turned cartwheels outside the back gate of the hospital. After all his suffering he expected to be O.K. but three days after his much adored sister Shirin left for Maxwell International Baha’i School in Canada, he had his second relapse. The doctors told him that the leukemia had come back and that there was nothing they could do. They told us he had only a few weeks to live. He was so prepared for going to the other world and eager to explore that new realm. He was looking forward to his journey. But before he left he had a few things to do. One thing he wanted was to see the snow. Thanks to the ‘Make a Wish Foundation’ we were able to go within a few days. His sister came back from Canada and we all went as a family to Mt. Hotham.

Alex was a natural athlete. Before his illness he was chosen by the Australian Institute of Sports to train in an elite gymnastic squad of only f our boys who were chosen from the best gymnasts in Brisbane. Their goal was the 2000 Olympics. It was during an intensive training session that he felt tired and we noticed that something was wrong. He was diagnosed on 15 May, 1993. During his chemotherapy he wasn’t able to swim for almost two years because of the risk of infection. When he was able to do so, he jumped into the school pool and won every race in his age group and got a medal for overall champion. He was also a great basketball player. The last time he played he was so sick he could hardly run. His team hadn’t got a goal, and just before the game was over Alex took a rebound out near the line. He had his back to th e goal, but he bounced the ball twice, crouched down, turned, jumped and shot in one liquid movement, and hit the goal. It was a moment of pure beauty that will forever be etched in my memory.

The first time he got on a snow board at the top of the beginners hill he just sailed down to the bottom not falling once. The first day we had to help him walk up. The second day he was able to walk up himself. Then he and Maxwell, his brother, started making snow mounds to jump over. At night the boys watched a snow board video and the next day they went out and did all the tricks. After the s now we were able to visit the Temple and our extended family in Sydney. Alex was also a poet and he wrote a poem for the Make a Wish Foundation to thank them.

We’re off to see the snow,

The wonderful, wonderful snow,

Because, because, because,

I made a wish to go.

My family’s coming too,

Because its no fun without them

or you,

Because you made my wish come true.

When I see myself dancing in the snow,

The wonderful, wonderful snow,

Then I’ll know its time for me to go.


Alex loved to do magic shows for the six beautiful young girls in our community. His most famous trick was a levitation which he did with Max. His stage name was Alex Sp arkle. He wanted to be a magician.

In Papua New Guinea when Alex was small, one day I wanted to go out to do some Baha’i work, but he needed me and I couldn’t go. I lay down on the bed next to him and cried. Then I heard a voice which said to me “If you train him properly he will teach ten times more people than you in future” At that same moment I smelt the most heavenly perfume of attar of roses which filled the room. Alex was always teaching the Faith. He taught his little friends at school, many of whom consider themselves to be Baha’is. When we were in the hospital, we gave the message to everyone we could, including the nurses and parents. One morning whilst he was asleep I was able to give the Message to three people. When he awoke I told him this and he said, boy I will have to get busy if I am going to teach ten times more than you. Well he did just that, but a hundred times more instead. At his memorial service held here at Forest Hill, our family’s homefront pioneer post, almost three hundred people attended. And, faithful to the admonitions of the Guardian, he has laid his bones to rest in his pioneer post. The effect of this Baha’i funeral will ripple out over this region and the hearts of those souls who are receptive will vibrate.

At the memorial service, everyone received a program with a most beautiful selection of Holy Writings. The service was conducted with great dignity and to utmost perfection by Auxiliary Board Member Mr. John Walker. Our little local community of Laidley, including all the children, rallied around and in total love and unity, just like many souls in one body, were busy in preparing and decorating the rustic country hall where the service was held. The ladies from Toowoomba and Logan arranged a most magnificent luncheon. Their selflessness and loving attention to detail reminded me of stories of the gracious qualities of servitude evinced by the Greatest Holy Leaf. The hall was filled with magnificent flowers sent from Gold Coast, Ipswich, B risbane and Toowoomba. The Baha’i communities of Perth and Bundaberg decided to give a donation to the Arc Fund in Alex’s name. In effect, the coming together of all the Baha’is from great distances and in utmost love, has shown my non-Baha’i family just what a Baha’i community is capable of doing. Their most vibrant, tangible unity was visable to all present. Many people commented on what a great support the Baha’i community was to us. A Baha’i youth came to me and said that the previous night he had a dream in which he was attending a wonderful, joyous birthday party. Then when he arrived and saw the hall decorated with golden bows on all the pews, he said this is the place in my dream. Later when the cake came out, he was so excited and said th at he saw the cake in the dream too. This dream was most appropriate because the whole day was really like a celebration of Alex’s birth into the next world.

Before Alex’s passing he was busy preparing himself spiritually. We went out at 4.30a.m. every morning to watch the sun rise and we said 95 times the Greatest Name and 95 times the Remover of Difficulties. It was so symbolic because in one text `Abdu’l-Baha says “Time with us is measured by the sun. When there is no more sunrise, and no more sunset, that kind of time does not exist for man”. So Alex was looking at his last sunrises. It also symbolized the rising of the “Sun of Truth”, and also the sun is the physical counterpart for the Manifestation of God who gives light and life to the world. On Saturday, just two days before he died he was very weak and could hardly walk, so I didn’t wake him and went myself to pray. I was praying when suddenly a little figure appeared shuffling along in thongs with sox on. He asked me “why didn’t you wake me up Mummy?” “I said I didn’t think you would see the sun because of all the clouds”. Then he said “I don’t come to see the sun, I come to say the prayers”.

Speaking of prayers, i t is impossible to adequately describe the support, love, strength and complete composure that the prayers of the Baha’i community can give. Our family have been blessed with the most vehement support in the form of prayers for our dearest little Alex. To our Beloved House of Justice, the National Spiritual Assemblies of Australia and Papua New Guinea, the Local Spiritual Assemblies, to the most steadfast Baha’is, one and all, we offer our most heartfelt thanks. It is a pity that only when a calamity of such great magnitude strikes that we call on this great power of prayer with such a passion. I am lost in awe of the power of prayer. Through it we have been able to sustain our loss without being overwhelmed by the negative emotions of grief. We feel we are cushioned and sur rounded by a pink cloud of love, through which no pain can penetrate.

On the morning of his passing Alex was muttering to himself, Mirza, Mirza. I asked him who he was speaking to and he said to me very clearly, “Oh you know, the one who fell through the roof” So he must have been in communion with his beloved Mirza Midhi. During the afternoon he was sitting up but appeared to be asleep whilst music from the World Congress tape was playing. His father, Marc, was sitting next to him. Then suddenly Alex opened his eyes and said in a loud and clear voice - “O Baha’u’llah, what hast thou done.” Marc thought he was getting better and gave him a kiss on the forehead and embraced him as never before. Then Marc sat down to say the Tablet of Ahmad. He had only said three lines when Alex slumped over and his soul departed from this mortal world. It was so sudden we weren’t sure he had passed away. His last words on this earthly life were an affirmation of his faith.

The first people who came into the house after his passing were a family from Fiji. We felt that this was a sign because we have been planning to pioneer to Fiji to fill a goal of the Four Year Plan for our beloved National Assembly.

When we buried Alex we put some holy dust that we had swept off the grave of Mirza Mihdi into Alex’s pocket. That holy dust will be joined with his earthly dust forever. At the graveside the children all sent messages tied with ribbons to balloons up into the heavens. It was a beautiful sight.

When we were on pilgrimage, Dr. Ruhe told us a touching story about one of `Abdu’l-Baha’s sons, Husayn, who loved to explore and always wanted Baha’u’llah to take him out for a picnic under the fir trees.& #160; Husayn died when he was 4 years old. His epitaph revealed by Baha’u’llah reads: “Husayn, son of Ayn, Health and children are an endowment with life. A greater hope and a better reward with your Lord are good deeds. He was an adornment of the Exalted Paradise. We see him now in the Exalted Paradise engaged, by God’s Grace, in sightseeing.” I feel with my whole heart that Alex is now also sightseeing in that Heavenly Realm.

To my son.

Alex, my sweet child of light,

You die in your youth,

You take your flight,

Transverse, return to reunite.

Return to the sun, ray of light,

Now absorbed in eternal delight.

They greet you, the Hosts on High,

With them you recound your life gone by.

Now at last,

Mysteries you can ask:

“Why is it so,

I was chosen to go,

I’m not complaining,

I’d just like to know”

Thence the reply:

“Far better for thee,

This saga of woe,

Than a myriad lives,

This ye must know,

For your light will shine,

On all mankind,

Welcome home, Welcome home”

Love from Mummy.

Christianity Renewed

Maxwell Alexander


Courtroom Blooms With Feeling As Lerner Is Mourned
by Molly Morris

Nov. 1, 2008 -- The staid courtroom of V.I. Superior Court Judge Brenda J. Hollar was transformed into a cathedral Saturday by the outpouring of love and compassion for her law clerk Gabriel "Gabe" Lerner, a young man who in a few short months in the Virgin Islands affected the lives of so many, before his shooting death last week.
A photo of a blooming lavender lotus filled a screen in the front of the courtroom, under a banner reading "You are forever in our hearts. Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart."
The stiff benches became pews filled with folks -- members of the young man's Baha'i faith, his family, by the Superior Court family which adopted him, by new friends -- who spoke of Lerner's open and giving nature, and his immediate love of his adopted Virgin Islands home.
( Click for rest of article )

None appeared more affected than Hollar herself, wiping away tears as she sat flanked by a battery of colleagues: retired Judge Verne A. Hedge, Superior Court judges James Carroll III and Leon Kendall and St. Croix Judge George W. Cannon.
In a letter to Lerner's parents, Dr. Jerome Lerner and Jennifer Wanasek, Hollar said in part, "Gabriel was such a special and extraordinary person. Indeed to know Gabriel was to love him. Within minutes of interviewing him....I experienced an immediate but unmistakable bond with Gabriel which grew exponentially with each passing day. The enthusiasm, exuberance and energy Gabriel displayed with every assignment given to him was a joy to behold."
Lerner was murdered Oct. 26. Two suspects, a minor whose name cannot be released and 22-year-old Devon A. Frett, have been charged with robbing, kidnapping and killing Lerner after he stopped near Cassi Hill in Smith Bay to give them a ride early Sunday morning. (See: "Devon Frett Charged with Murder in Death of Gabriel Lerner.")
According to Joan Bennett, another Baha'i, Lerner was on his way to Lindqvist Beach for Baha'i devotions and to teach the Junior Youth Group. The Baha'i faith emphasizes the underlying unity of the major world religions.
Attorney Alan Smith stood solemnly in the well, now a nave, asking only that everyone meditate for a moment on the words of Baha'u'llah, who founded the religion that bears his name, which prefaced the Baha'i memorial booklet. "Be as one spirit, one soul, leaves of one tree, flowers of one garden, waves of one ocean."
Smith said, "Gabriel must be the most loving law clerk in all the world," a sentiment echoed throughout the day.
Tourism Commissioner Beverly Nicholson-Doty, sitting alone in the back of the courtroom, said, "It's the internal love, not the external.. It's a sense of the value of life that is so important when people lose someone. This so sadly impacts our community. My heart goes out to the family. I, too, have a young son. I can relate to the tragedy."
Nicholson-Doty said she did not personally know Lerner, but her assistants Monique Sibilly Hodge and Allegra Kean have been working with the family. "It's six degrees of separation," she said. "Everyone knows someone who was touched by this young man."
Smith said Lerner "Created an explosion of love in this community. He loved this island and this courtroom and Judge Hollar." Lerner had been admitted to the V.I. Bar just a few days before his death.
The courtroom was filled with a mixture of voices as family members, friends, and youngsters from the Baha'i Junior Youth group paid tribute to Lerner. Richie Hunt, a Charlotte Amalie High School ninth grader, said, "When I first met him at the beach, I didn't want to go home. I wanted to stay with Gabe and become a member of his church. He changed my life. If I didn't know something, he would sit with me and help. I'll miss him so much."
The Superior Court Memorial book was filled with tributes from District and Superior Court judges, along with those from Gov. John deJongh Jr., Lt. Gov. Gregory Francis and Senate President Usie Richards.
Occasional moments of humor lightened the day. Lerner's parents had the courtroom laughing when they told of their son's "eclectic" taste in books and music: "Snoop Dog, alongside Beethoven, and Nietzsche alongside a guide to ballroom dancing."
On a more serious note, Lerner's father said, "When he met Judge Hollar, his life took off. It was the only time in his life he was totally happy. He was home at last."
Carroll, who lost his 19-year old son Jason to gun violence in 2000, was visibly touched by Lerner's death. He said, "Though it was eight years ago, I feel it every day, myself." Speaking of Lerner's parents, Carroll said, "It took me years to get to the stage of grieving where they are now."
Carroll said his wife, Celia, was off-island, or "she would be here helping." Celia Carroll, with her husband's support, started the local chapter of Mothers Against Guns shortly after Jason's death.
The cruel irony of Lerner's death -- losing his life as the result of kindness -- was not lost on the family or those in the courtroom. However, his uncle, Jeffrey Lerner concluded the family's remarks: "Don't carry around bitterness and anger about how he died. Gabe would never want that."
His mother thanked the community for "the love and the warmth they have shown us."
"I have one request," she said. "I ask you to talk to someone in the Baha'i faith, to learn a bit about Gabriel."

Monday, Nov. 3, 2008 St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
St. Thomas Source
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O Thou who assure the returns of the days and nights
O Thou who rekindle the bones who fall like dust
Thy words light my extinguish flame

O lumiere pourpre qui baigne toute choses!
comment cette forme mouvante de poussiere
cet ame sans vie sans esprit sans intelligence
peut te louer toi l'incomparable
qui est au-dessus de louanges des Saints des saints, !!
ou est la louange de DAVID ~!!


Thy Greatest Name flash my drooping soul
OThou who are far from me because of my trespasses
please O beloved of my heart

show to this servant the path of thy True lovers
The bird song of THOMAS in celebrating thy greatness and praise's

hasten to offer his earthly life in praising Thy Grandeur

The faith of FARIS who regnonise thy sublime station

.... in his letter we read
O! thou who converse on the Sinai
by the love of your son Jesus
and beloved friend Muhamad ......
blessed be the imortal lovers
the transforming power of Mulla hussein ...
who hear the voice of Gabriel
and acclaiming to the universe thy glad tidings of the new dawn

there came Badi the celestial coursier
who brave the fire in giving your message
o celestial martyrs
thousands upon thousands
hasten in giving their life
for Love of Thee
o words you fail to import the meaning
no words can adequately robes the spirituality of this wondrous souls how could you ??

what power can a shadowy creature claim to posess when face to face with the uncreated

he who is not reborn in this age will remain eternally dead



Our dear friend Arthella (Artie) Phelps made her way to the Abha
Kingdom last Wednesday evening. Beloved wife of Ray, mother of Paul,
Scott and Stacey, grandmother, spiritual mother and dearest friend to
so many of us. A true and precious soul... kind, generous,
friendly... filled with the virtues of a true Baha'i.


This is a psalm of a new day:
This is a song of the promised day:
This is a prayer of the day of God:
~~Waken, draw near;
Raise the Glory of God
~~In worship;
Praise of the return of Christ:
~~Stand witness;
Thank His return in the name of the Father:
~~Bow low;
His name, Baha'u'llah.

Voici un psaume d'un nouveau Jour.
Écoute !
Voici un chant du Jour Promis.
Entends !
Voici une prière du Jour de Dieu.
Lève-toi, approches !
Élève la Gloire de Dieu,
En adoration !
Loue le Retour du Christ
Sois témoin !
Remercie Son retour au Nom du Père
Baisse-toi en adoration !
Son Nom est Bahá'u'lláh !
Prie !
(Psaume par Marley, traduction libre par Moro Baruk)


Funeral of Mrs Firoozeh Yaganegi

Friday, 25 July, at 11am the Funeral of Mrs Firoozeh Yaganegi was held at Mona
Vale cemetery at the foot hill of the Baha'i House of Worship,
Sydney. Over 200 hundred of family and friends attended the ceremony
despite rain. Firoozeh Yaganegi, Was one of the friends that took the
call of The Guardian to pioneer and became a Knight of Baha'u'llah.
She was a caring lady and always loved by friends. She was known as
Mama Yeganegi. She traveled 23 times from Australia to Fiji to teach
the cause. A Message from Universal House of Justice was read at her
burial, testifying to her 70 years of service and informing the
family that the prayers will be said for the progress of her soul at
the shrines.

With regards,


The Purest branch

"Handmaiden and Sacrifice"

Verse 1

The first Spirit through which all spirits were revealed.

The first Light by which all lights shone forth.

Rest upon thee, O Most Exalted Leaf.

Happy art thou, O My handmaiden and my Leaf.

All honour and glory circled around thee.

You are His consort in all the worlds of God.

Saintly Navvab, rejoice rejoice me lot.

You make my cherished wish fulfilled.

I will remember you night and day but still,

forgive us that have turned unto thee.


Make us follow your footsteps,

Guide us in our noble quest.

Under the shadow of the Bab,

Purest Branch and Saintly Navvab.

Make us follow your footsteps,

Guide us in our noble quest.

Under the shadow of the Bab,

Purest Branch and Saintly Navvab.

Verse 2

You are the Trust of God and His treasure in this Land.

Great is thy blessedness, O Purest Branch.

Soon Jah will reveal through thee what He have desired.

From you, all the dwellers of this world, will be united.
The earth itself trembled in its longing to meet thee.

If we only knew the mysteries of your ascension,

Everyone shall awake from their wronged vision.

All would be set ablaze with the fire of remembrance.

Mirza Mihdi, O Purest Branch.

Unity shall be the fruit of this Holy Branch.


Make us follow your footsteps,

Guide us in our noble quest.

Under the shadow of the Bab,

Purest Branch and Saintly Navvab.

Make us follow your footsteps,

Guide us in our noble quest.

Under the shadow of the Bab,

Purest Branch and Saintly Navvab.

Make us follow your footsteps,

Guide us in our noble quest.

Under the shadow of the Bab,

Purest Branch and Saintly Navvab.

Make us follow your footsteps,

Guide us in our noble quest.

Under the shadow of the Bab,

Purest Branch and Saintly Navvab.

(Author : Brian Dholah, inspired by the Holy writings)



Aram Adlparvar, A little sweetness has moved on.

Beloved Friends,
It is with a heavy heart that I beg your forgiveness for bringing you thissad and tragic news. One never wants to share news of this type, but I feelcompelled to do so as you would not forgive me if I did not.
Our son, Aram Robert Adlparvar, in the early evening of July 10th, (a dayafter the Bab's martyrdom) was involved in a car accident, and was mortallyinjured. Thankfully no one else was involved.
His name was a gift to our family in 1975 by the Hand of the Cause of God,Abu'l-Qasim Faizi who was a very dear family friend. Aram truly personifiedthe meaning of his name (Serene) as he always had a special demeanor ofcalmness and joy about him. I think all that knew him would attest to the way hewould enter a room and brighten the hearts of all therein. As a father I canhonestly say that he made fatherhood easy. He was the sparkle in my eye, thesmile in my heart, and the joy of my soul. His beaming face, and hisbrilliant sense of humor turned many hearts to a joyous state. This was hispersonality from the moment of his birth in Harare, Zimbabwe, on October 21st 1985(a day after the Bab's Birthday).
His cautious adventure was evident, and he always challenged himself forexcellence in his endeavours. He won a championship with his Crew Rowing team,and also competed in triathlons, marathons and in bike races. He wasenchanted by the written word and sought its finest examples in poetry and pros. In 2004 Aram traveled the world starting with his year of service in anelementary school in Swaziland (Africa), where he fell in love with teaching andmade it the focus of his education. He also became reacquainted with the landof his birth, fell in love with its people and immediately began to pick upthe Zulu and siSwati languages. Within two weeks of his arrival in Swaziland,he was invited to a ceremony where he was adopted by a village and given aSwazi name, 'Tulane'. This name had been picked by the village, as it bestdescribed him. When he asked what it meant, he was told 'the calm or sereneone'. They had no knowledge of the meaning of his original name! After anine month stay, he continued through Asia to Australia where he served at theHouse of Worship, then to New Zealand where he visited a dear friend Harold,on to the Island of Tonga with the Ocean of Light school and the Bolourifamily, and finally to Western Samoa where he served at the House of Worship.His life was driven by his acts of service, as a Youth Animator, and as anAssistant to the Auxiliary Board. In Ridvan of this year, together we had thebounty of a Pilgrimage. Most recently he moved to Rhode Island, USA, tocontinue his education and be close to Magen Cook, a beloved friend.
God, the Great Gardener picked this young rose. I am truly honored that Godwould take Aram for His needs. The gift He gave us was returned to Him. Wepray, "that he may plunge into the sea of light in the world of mysteries."
Cindy and I will be traveling to Rhode Island to take care of the funeralarrangements. Our daughter Nura is already close, as she is serving in GreenAcre. Our first born, Kamran, will (God willing) also join us by flying backfrom the Holy Land where he is serving.
We ask for your Prayers for the progress of this youthful soul, and thepatience and strength for all those beloved ones left behind.
The funeral will be held on Saturday, July 14th in Rhode Island. All arewelcome.
There will also be a memorial gathering held in Southern California nextweek. All are welcome
I thank you from the depths of my heart for your prayers,Payam Adlparvar


passing of Madame Ruth Blackwell

Dear Friends, Last Sunday morning, Madame Ruth Blackwell took her leave of this physical world and winged her way to the worlds of light. Her funeral is scheduled for 9 am this Saturday, 24 November, at the Blackwell Baha'i Institute Building in Titanyin and her mortal remains will then be laid to rest in the nearby Baha'i Cemetary - inaugurating and giving spiritual value to that land. Madame Blackwell returned to Haiti in June 1996 at the age of 88 and, since that time, has been a dearly-loved member of our community. She will be sorely missed. For your information, we are attaching the message sent today to the believers in Haiti. With loving Baha'i greetings, National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Haiti

une petite biographie
Mme Ruth BLACKWELL �tait n�e Ruth BROWNE le 14 d�cembre 1907. Elle est devenue Bah��� en ville de Chicago aux �tats Unis en 1934 o� elle a rencontr� M Ellsworth BLACKWELL, un Bah��� solide. Leur union dans l�ann�e 1937 a suivi le conseil d�Abdu�l-Bah� de r�unir les deux races, noirs et blancs, en mariage, mais c��tait un �v�nement tr�s rare � cette �poque. Souvent elle a racont� qu�elle s�est lev�e comme pionnier en r�ponse � l�appelle du bien-aim� Gardien de la Foi, Shoghi Effendi. Elle est arriv�e en Ha�ti en mars 1940. M BLACKWELL l�a rejoint plus tard de cette m�me ann�e, et ils �taient tous les deux membres de la premi�re Assembl�e Spirituelle Locale du pays qui �tait �lue � Port-au-Prince en 1942. Ils �taient membres aussi de la premi�re Assembl�e Nationale des Bah���s d�Ha�ti, �lue en 1961 et ils ont tout les deux particip� par la suite � l��lection de la premi�re Maison Universelle de Justice �lue en 1963. En 1975, sur la demande de la Maison Universelle de Justice, ils ont aid� le d�veloppement de l�Ordre Administratif de Bah��u�ll�h en Afrique, servant comme pionniers d�abord en Madagascar et par la suite au Za�re o� M BLACKWELL a d�c�d� et o� il est enterr�. Depuis c��tait d�conseill� de rester en Za�re comme femme seule, Mme BLACKWELL est retourn�e aux �tats-Unis de l�Am�rique o� elle a servi comme pionnier local, travaillant avec les natifs natals de ce pays. Mais, l�appelle du bien-aim� Gardien de la Foi pour les pionniers internationaux l�a attir� aux Bahamas, o� elle �tait pionnier locale pendant quelques ann�es, enseignant la Foi surtout parmi les Ha�tiens qui vivaient aux Bahamas. Son d�sir de continuer le travail en Ha�ti qu�elle a commenc� en r�ponse � l�appelle du bien-aim� Gardien l�a motiv� de revisiter Ha�ti en l�ann�e de 1995 et de retourner d�finitivement en 1996.

Passing of "Miss Jean," Jean Nicholson

Jean Nicholson, "Miss Jean" to a lot of people, ofGulfport, MS, passed to the Abha Kingdom. She had been an active Baha'i for many decades and a pillar of her community.
She belonged to many Baha'i choirs and sang all over the country.
In her spare time she made pillows of all sizes, shapes and colors that were
given out to just about anybody who visited her home.
Her funeral was held Friday, 04 Jan, at the National Cemetery in Biloxi,
It was simple and elegant, with her son, Miguel, explaining the Faith to non-Baha'is, and leading in the prayers.
All her children were inattendance as well other family members and Baha'is

from all over the region.

passing of Tahereh Rassekh Radpour

Dear Baha'i friends,
With grieving hearts we share the news of the passing tothe next world of Mrs. Tahereh Rassekh Radpour, in Chattanooga, TN,on Sunday, January 13, 2008,

while surrounded by her loving family.
Mrs. Radpour was 93 years of age at her passing, and she had a longlife of service to the Cause of God.
As a young mother she showed heroic courage in facing down a menacing mob when she and her family pioneered to a village in Iran. When the Beloved Guardian announcedthat Baha'i women in Iran should prepare for participation in Baha'iadministrative service, she took leadership in their education for
this service. She was one of the first two women elected to service on Local Spiritual Assemblies in Iran, and she served as theSecretary of the Tehran Spiritual Assembly for a number of years.
Endowed with a regal bearing and a fearless capacity for speaking the truth, she mentored hundreds of Baha'i youth into leadership roles in the community.

Her loyalty to the Cause and to its institutions,including the Guardian and the Universal House of Justice was exemplary, and she nurtured her large extended family into active service. She leaves 3 children - Kaihan Radpour Strain, IrajRadpour, and Shahrzad Radpour Naderi - 11 grandchildren and 19great-grandchildren.
We request your prayers on her behalf as she enters the sea of light in the world of mysteries.
Visitation will be held on Friday, January 18th from 4 to8 pm at the Chattanooga Funeral Home, North Chapel 5351 Highway 153Hixson, TN 37343. A Memorial service and the reception followingwill be held at 3 pm on Saturday, January 19th, 2008, at TheChattanoogan Hotel, located at 1201 South Broad Street, Chattanooga,TN 37402. Friends who wish to make a donation in Mrs. Radpour'sname are encouraged to remember the Tahirih Justice Center(http://www.tahirih.org/) or Health for Humanity(http://www.healthforhumanity.org/)

Passing of Veronica Wilbourn, [L.A., CA, USA]

Dear friends,
Our dear Baha'i sister, Veronica Wilbourn, of the Los Angelescommunity, winged her way to the Abh=E1 Kingdom on January 24, 2008. Herfuneral will be held at 1 p.m. on Monday, February 4, 2008 at:
Pierce Brothers Valhalla Memorial Park & Mortuary10621 Victory Blvd.North Hollywood, CA 91606818-763-9121

passing of Don Johnson, Monterey, CA U

Dear Friends,
Our friend and inquisitor, Don Johnson, belovedson of Harold & Marge Johnson, started his journey thisafternoon Sunday, February 2, 2008, to the Kingdom of Abha.
Your prayers for progress of his soul in Kingdom of Abhaare appreciated.
The funeral will be Thursday, February 7 at 2PM atSan Carlos Cemetery near Lake El Estero in Monterey.Marge and Harold are trying to arrange somewhere foreveryone to gather afterwards and maybe have somethingto eat, probably near the cemetery.
On behalf of the Johnson family,

Passing of Heshmatollah Ehsani

On behalf of Mehrdad Ehsani...
Dear Friends,
My father, Heshmatollah Ehsani, passed away peacefully, yesterday at4:30PM in his home, in Bryan Texas. He was surrounded by family andclose friends and took his last breath while listening to prayers thatwere being said for him.
He lived a long and victorious life and died in peace and contentment.His last clear words a couple of days before his passing were "ghorbaneshoma beram" or I love you all.
Funeral services will be held this Sunday, February 24, 2008, at 3:00 PMin Memorial Funeral Chapel, 2901 Texas Avenue South, College Station,Texas, 77845, (979) 694-8615. There will be a website established forvisitation by family and friends that are far away. A reception will beheld, after the burial services, at 5:00PM at our home, 2105 Fawn Court,College Station, Texas.
With Love,Mehrdad Ehsani

Memorial Video - passing of prominent Iraqi Baha'i

Abir Majid is a very dear friend of mine.
He was born in the hospital which now stands where the Ridvan garden was located in Baghdad Iraq.
He was born where Baha'u'llah announced his mission to the world.
He grew up in Baghdad.
Abir's father, Saddiq Majid, was the chairman of the Iraq NSA.
When the Baha'i National Center was taken over by Saddam Hussein's government and all the contents were stolen -- it was Saddiq Majid who stood at the door and demanded an accounting of everything that was taken.
For that he was put in the infamous Abu Ghraib prison.
He was released 10 years later when he went blind in prison.
Abir doesn't mention it but the entire family was put in prison - Abir included.
Abir has told me stories about how he was bastinadoed in prison - the soles of his feet were beaten. Abir spent over a year in prison. His crime - and the crime of his family members - was being a Baha'i.
Abir wrote some of the Islam articles on my prophecy-fulfilled webpage plus he wrote http://bci.org/islam-bahai/ ---
which has had millions of hits.
I met Sadiq Majid. I heard him speak. I even did a two hour long video interview with him where he tells his life story
. The attached video tribute of Abir's father is very touching. We lost a great Baha'i when Sadiq Majid left this world.
Note: forwarded message attached.
I hope all of you are doing well. For those of you who could not join us at the memorial gathering for my dad, I thought I would share with you a video clip / slide show prepared by my niece which includes some photos of his life, and tributes by his 5 grandchildren. The audience at the memorial liked it, and I hope you like it too.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdTPH13eKN8 Thanks. - Abir

Passing of Parvaneh Kennedy, [MA, USA]

it is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our belovedParvaneh Kennedy early this morning.
Death proffereth unto every confident believer the cup that is life indeed.It bestoweth joy, and is the bearer of gladness. It conferreth the gift ofeverlasting life. As to those that have tasted of the fruit of man's earthlyexistence, which is the recognition of the one true God, exalted be Hisglory, their life hereafter is such as We are unable to describe. Theknowledge thereof is with God, alone, the Lord of all worlds. (Baha'u'llah:Gleanings, Pages: 345-346)
The Memorial Service will be held at 10:am Saturday March 15, 2008
Nordgren Memorial Chapel300 Lincoln St.Worcester, MA 01605508-852-2161
For Directions:http://www.nordgrenmemorialchapel.com/
Graveside Service will immediately follow Memorial at Hope Cemetery
Hope Cemetery119 Webster StreetWorcester, Ma 01603

Passing of Harvey King

Dear Friends,
We, the family of Harvey King, send deepest love and gratitude to all of thefriends for their most loving prayers and support.
Following confirmed prayers by the Universal House of Justice and many ofyou, Harvey passed on peacefully, into our beloved Abha Kingdom the eveningof March 11, 2008.
With interest and confirmation of another sort in the power of prayer, itwas just 10 days short of 35 years ago he was in the hospital with aprognosis of "no hope" following surgery for cancer. With that, the manyfriends prayed for healing, he regained good health, the cancer neveroccurred again. His passing followed many healthful, happy and fruitfulyears serving and teaching our beloved Faith and we, his family members aremost grateful for the gift of that time to be with and serve with him.
We hope this short history will confirm all of our understandings of ourneed for each other and the power within our blessed Faith.
Thank you all most lovingly,
Gena King and family
It is with great sadness and feeling of loss that we wish to inform the
Universal House of Justice of the passing of our dearly loved Brigitte
Lundblade-Hasselblatt - Knight of Baha'u'llah for the Shetland Islands and
Mother of the Estonian Baha'i Community - into the Abha Kingdom on 17 May
2008 at 5:40 in the evening

Mrs. Lundblade was, at last, able to return to her homeland, Estonia,
according to the wishes of the Beloved Guardian Shoghi Effendi in 1989,
after serving the Cause of God in many Baha'i Communities in northern
and the United States of America for almost six decades. Her numerous
of devoted service to the Cause of the Blessed Beauty and her love of
family, community and the world around her will be dearly missed by all
have had the honour to know her. Her words, actions and life and the
sweetness of her being will continue to be a source of inspiration for us
all and the generations to come.

Now that her soul has winged its way to God's Spiritual Realm, we will
express to her family heartfelt appreciation for her decades of heroic an
exemplary sacrifice despite her advancing years and difficult physicalm
ailments to which she refused to succumb until her very last moments.

May God shower upon her illumined being His infinite bounties as our
heartfelt prayers for the progress of her blessed soul will continue.
> Preparations for the funeral are underway and details will be sent to
> your
> attention as soon as they have been approved by the family.
> With loving Baha'i greetings,
> Tiia Bach
> Secretary

Passing of Anthony Temple

Dear Friends,

Word has just arrived that Anthony Temple of Fremantle (West Perth),
Australia, passed to the Abha Kingdom on February 19, 2008. He was 59.

Anthony pioneered from his native England to Norway in the early 1970's.
He lived for many years in Burbank and Los Angeles, California. He left
California to serve in Australia some years ago.

Anthony was a very talented man, a gifted photographer and audiophile. He
was very kind to all and he developed many, many friendships. He served the
Faith throughout his life.
Please offer your prayers for Anthony Temple.

Zekrollah Tebyanian

Announcement (On behalf of Mr. Homayoun Tebyanian)

It is with saddened heart to announce passing of my dear father, Mr.
Zekrollah Tebyanian on Friday June 6th.

The funeral service will be held on Monday June 9th, 11 a.m. at Adams-Green
Funeral Home 721 Elden Street Herndon, Virginia 20170, U.S.A.

With loving regards, Tebyanian, Mohammadavvali families

Passing of Shapour Meshkin

O SON OF SPIRIT! With the joyful tidings of light I hail thee: rejoice!
To the court of holiness I summon thee; abide therein that thou mayest live in
peace for evermore."
Dear Friends:

It is with joy and sorrow that we share the news of the passing of the
servant of Baha, Mr. Shapour Meshkin, after a long struggle with health
challenges, on this Holy Day of the Ascension of his Beloved, May 29, 2008 at 3:25pm at
St. Vincent's Hospital in Portland, Oregon.

He was surrounded by his family and friends, music and prayers as he
peacefully bid farewell to this mortal world and took his flight to the Abha
Kingdom. His devotion, love and service for his Faith, his steadfastness, his kind
and gentle manner will be fondly remembered.

The current plans are for his funeral service to be held on Fri. June 6th at
1pm at the Finley- Sunset Memorial Park in Portland, with a memorial service
at the Portland Baha'i Center on Sat. June 7th, 3pm, followed by a reception.

With deepest appreciation for prayers for the progress of our father's soul
in the realm above,
Loving regards,
Meshkin, Musai & Petri Families

Funeral Service: Fri. June 6, 1pm
Finley-Sunset Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary
6801 SW Sunset Highway
Portland, OR 97225

Memorial Service: Sat. June 7, 3pm
Portland Baha'i Center
8720 Ivanhoe Street
Portland, Oregon 97203-4830

From the sweet-scented streams of Thine eternity give me to drink, O my God,
and of the fruits of the tree of Thy being enable me to taste, O my Hope!
From the crystal springs of Thy love suffer me to quaff, O my Glory, and
beneath the shadow of Thine everlasting providence let me abide, O my Light! Within
the meadows of Thy nearness, before Thy presence, make me able to roam, O my
Beloved, and at the right hand of the throne of Thy mercy, seat me, O my
Desire! From the fragrant breezes of Thy joy let a breath pass over me, O my
Goal, and into the heights of the paradise of Thy reality let me gain admission,
O my Adored One! To the melodies of the dove of Thy oneness suffer me to
hearken, O Resplendent One, and through the spirit of Thy power and Thy might
quicken me, O my Provider! In the spirit of Thy love keep me steadfast, O my
Succorer, and in the path of Thy good pleasure set firm my steps, O my Maker!
Within the garden of Thine immortality, before Thy countenance, let me abide
for ever, O Thou Who art merciful unto me, and upon the seat of Thy glory
stablish me, O Thou Who art my Possessor! To the heaven of Thy loving-kindness
lift me up, O my Quickener, and unto the Daystar of Thy guidance lead me, O
Thou my Attractor! Before the revelations of Thine invisible spirit summon me to
be present, O Thou Who art my Origin and my Highest Wish, and unto the
essence of the fragrance of Thy beauty, which Thou wilt manifest, cause me to
return, O Thou Who art my God!

Potent art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee. Thou art, verily, the Most
Exalted, the All-Glorious, the All-Highest.

Passing of Henry Farner

Henry Charles Farner, 22-year old son of Doni Farner-Smith and brother toRachel Farner, was killed in an automobile accident outside the town ofFillmore, California, on Friday late afternoon. Henry had lived in Lacombe,Louisiana, a suburb of New Orleans, Simi Valley, Ventura and most recently inFillmore.
Please keep them all in your hearts and consider offering prayers forHenry's precious soul, and for healing in this time of grief for Doni, Rachel andtheir loved ones. A private service will be held in Fillmore.
Doni and Rachel's address: 441 Saratoga Street, Fillmore, California 93015

IN MEMORIAM--Mr. Beman Azadi J.

It is with saddened heart to announce passing of our dear father, Mr. Beman
Azadi J. on this holy day of Ascension of Baha'u'llah May 28,2008. He
peacefully left this mortal life and winged his flight to the Abha Kingdom 2
days after suffered a stroke.

His steadfastness and service to the faith, his kindness and gentle manner,
his devotions, honesty and sense of humor will be missed.

A memorial service will be held on Friday June 6, 7:30pm at the Encino
Baha'i center, 4830 Genesta Ave., Encino, CA. 91316.

With loving regards,

Azadi, Darabi, Khalighi, Manoocheri and Sabeti families


Richard D. Powell,

On June 13th the Baha'i Community of Los Angeles bid farewell to its
dearly loved member, Richard D. Powell, a stalwart of the Jeffrey
Barnes Gospel Choir. Richard's bass voice was a supportive sound to
the many voices he came to know over a life 61-years long. As a
recognizable figure of that choir they honored his memory by singing
his favorite songs at a Memorial held at the Los Angeles Baha'i
Center on Saturday, June 14th.

Richard was a newsmaker with an indominitable spirit complimented by
a consistent sense of humor. Although sightless, Richard was known
for his remarkable insight in dealing others. His inspiring ability
to defy all odds led him to be considered the "Seven Star General of
the World" because he never gave up, never gave in, and never gave
out. Instead, Richard believed he needed only to give up his shoes so
another soldier who could continue to march in his place. He was a
true soldier in God's army, and a devoted follower of Baha'u'llah and
a ceaseless warrior for the cause for unity of all people.

Richard is survived by a large loving family who celebrated his
"homegoing" with hundreds of Baha'is; friends from the Braille
Institution of America; the Los Angeles Foundation of the Junior
Blind; Mayfair Adult Health Care Center; Israel Missionary Baptist
Church; and the Every Mother's Dream Child Care Service, where
Richard sat and sang babies to sleep despite having had a two strokes
and battling cancer.

Sing on, Richard. Sing on!
Prayer day - We will pray

I pray that, the whole world
would be one
To see the day, that love is ruling
And hostility is gone

The word of “Love” travels
From land to land
My hands are stretched out
To hold your hand

“Unity” is the destiny of
the world and its fate
A world of love and
fellowship free of hate

I pray for the well being of mankind
For its peace and security
For elimination of prejudices of all kind

He taught me to open the
doors of my heart
To heal the world which is so apart

He walked me to the gate of love
And held my hands, He
taught me to build my house
On rocks, not sands

I stood on the rock and prayed
The cost of “Peace” is “love”
That’s what I paid

With smile on my lips and
Warmth in my heart
Absorbed in tranquility
The truth of my Lord’s Art

Let’s live in light
Darkness has escaped
The tabernacle of unity
Is now well shaped

Let’s have no fear of
The troubles we hear
For the gateway is opened
And the way is clear

We will pray and
walk on the path of light
We will pray for “Peace”
Every day and night

+ + + + + + + +
(Shahla- 14.06.2008)