
Passing of Harvey King

Dear Friends,
We, the family of Harvey King, send deepest love and gratitude to all of thefriends for their most loving prayers and support.
Following confirmed prayers by the Universal House of Justice and many ofyou, Harvey passed on peacefully, into our beloved Abha Kingdom the eveningof March 11, 2008.
With interest and confirmation of another sort in the power of prayer, itwas just 10 days short of 35 years ago he was in the hospital with aprognosis of "no hope" following surgery for cancer. With that, the manyfriends prayed for healing, he regained good health, the cancer neveroccurred again. His passing followed many healthful, happy and fruitfulyears serving and teaching our beloved Faith and we, his family members aremost grateful for the gift of that time to be with and serve with him.
We hope this short history will confirm all of our understandings of ourneed for each other and the power within our blessed Faith.
Thank you all most lovingly,
Gena King and family

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